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Frequently Asked Questions

... and the answers to questions our families sometimes forget to ask.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is ISCAN?

The Integrated Service for Children with Additional Needs (ISCAN) is a single point of access for referrals. Each referral is discussed at a multi-disciplinary panel which includes representatives from health, education and social care. At this meeting a decision is agreed as to the most appropriate service/support for that child/young person at that time. Following the decision at the meeting, an outcome letter will be sent to the referrer and parent/carer to explain the next steps.

What is ISCAN Care Co-ordination?

The Care Co-ordination team typically support families who fall into the following categories:

• Introduction to services
• Multiagency co-ordination
• Support with managing the intensity of appointments
• Transition between services (i.e. hospital to home)
• Transition into the area
• Breakdown in communication with services

If you would like to contact ISCAN at Nevill Hall Children's Centre, please email: or telephone: 01873 733163

I don’t feel my child’s school is supporting them, who can help?

The organisation SNAP Cymru can provide impartial information, advice and support on school related concerns.

This may include Statements of Educational Needs, Indivitial Eduction Plan (IEP’s), Individual Development Plan (IDP's) transition and appeals.

SNAP hold a drop in session at Nevill Hall Children’s Centre on Tuesday's monthly. This gives an opportunity for parents/carers to have a face to face conversation with a local representative from SNAP.

Helpline number 0808 801 0608

How can I keep up to date with things happening at Nevill Hall Children's Centre?

If you would like to be kept up to date with activities, events, forums and support groups being held at Nevill Hall Children's Centre and in the local area, please email or call 01873 732712 and your contact details will be included on the mailing list.

Who can help me with a DLA application?

Your local Citizens Advice Bureau are available to help complete DLA applications. To make an appointment you can contact them on 0344 477 2020 and just quote the borough where you live. They will arrange an appointment for you to see them at a convenient office for you. 

There is also the Disability Advice Project (DAP) which can help with applications. Although they are based in Cwmbran, the DAP are available for all families to access, regardless of where you live. To book a meeting, please call 01633 485865 or for more information, visit their website:

Family Liaison Officers at Sparkle are also happy to help with applications. For further information or to request assistance please contact them on or 01873 732712.

Do you have any information regarding anxiety in young people?

Links to various support documents that you may find of interest can be found on our resources page. You may have heard, or have tried, everything they show, but there may be a little nugget that you could get from them. Please don’t forget if you have concerns for your child/young person regarding anxiety, always speak to their school or your G.P.

We also recommend visiting the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board's Better Together website, to improve the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people throughout the ABUHB area.

Who are the Family Liaison Officers?

Our Family Liason Officers (FLOs) are extremely passionate about promoting services and support available to children with disabilities and their families.

They act as the first point of contact for all our families to help with enquiries about services and leisure activities that young people can access. Offering guidance and support, the team signpost the correct professionals and provide resources to ensure that families are given access to appropriate services and assist in collecting your feedback to improve service development.

Your Family Liaison Officer for Nevill Hall is Sarah Painter-Sims. Please contact her on or 01873 732712.

Who are the Children's Centre Psychology (CCP) Service?

The Children's Centre Psychology Service for Children with Additional Needs is part of the wider child and family Psychology and Therapies department at Aneuren Bevan University Health Board. The service provides emotional wellbeing support to families of children with additional needs as well as post-diagnostic support, support groups, workshops and consultations.

The service can support in considering behaviors that challenge and work alongside other professionals to support a family. The service covers the whole of Gwent and has bases at all three children's centres (Serennu, Nevill Hall, and Caerphilly).

The team are made up of psychologists who work closely with professionals from other disciplines within a young person's system (such as occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, nurses etc.).

Contact them at